Our Business

Intellectual property

Regarding intellectual property as a main pillar of our business, the H.U. Group has constructed a system that encourages employees to create new intellectual property.
By appropriately protecting created intellectual property and using it, we aim to ensure that our businesses continuously retain competitive strength, promote co-creation through intellectual property and thereby contribute to the development of healthcare.

We centrally manage intellectual property rights of the H.U. Group's domestic and foreign companies to maximize utilization of the intellectual property rights and minimize the related risks. Additionally, we periodically hold meetings for intellectual property strategy to review our intellectual property portfolio. We use an IP landscape to analyze the intellectual property of the Group and other companies and work to share information with each business division.

The H.U. Group owns the following intellectual properties and intangible assets with patents, trademarks, etc.

We will continue to leverage our group's intellectual properties and intangible assets to launch new clinical test items with short development lead times by coordinating activities across the group for swift test development. In addition, we will strengthen and expand the CDMO business, leveraging the credibility and appraisals based on approvals of IVD products in Japan.

Key initiative for the IVD business
Number of Alzheimer's disease related testing items (accumulated) Number of development projects gained from CDMO partners (accumulated)
FY2023 12 99
FY2022 11 94
FY2021 7 47
FY2020 4 42
FY2019 4 17

We file patent applications related to AI/IoT that support business expansion by the H.U. Group in addition to patent applications in existing business fields.

FY2023 28(2)
FY2022 17(5)
FY2021 25(6)
FY2020 33(7)
FY2019 44(18)
FY2018 20(6)

As of April 1,2024 (Number of patent applications AI/IoT in parentheses)

We are conducting joint research with over 20 external organizations through open innovation, and also undertake research and development globally, including at our foreign locations.

We need to create intellectual property strategically in order to increase competitive strength for our businesses and promote collaboration with internal and external partners. For this, the H.U. Group holds internal intellectual property training at different levels and intellectual property seminars mainly for researchers, inviting external lecturers.

The H.U. Group has an appropriate reward system in place for inventions by employees in accordance with the provision of the Japanese IP law. If employees create intellectual property that particularly contributes to our businesses, they will be additionally rewarded. The names of inventors who have filed a large number of patents are displayed at the office.

From the research and development stage, the H.U. Group examines the intellectual property rights of other companies and pay attention not to infringe on the intellectual property rights of third parties.